No one likes bacteria lingering on those toys!
Let’s talk getting down and dirty in a good way and keeping those toys clean and tips on storing them away from the kids , your Family or your visitors!! Awkward right? It so shouldn’t have to be!
Keeping your sex toys clean
Ok time to listen up and I mean really carefully!
Well, take it from us, the last thing you want whilst having sex is worrying about what germs you might be spreading whilst pleasuring your partner or your self.
There would be nothing worse than discovering bad smells and dodgy mould on your toys that you’ve invested in!
To keep things effortless and to keep your favourite toys clean All it takes is a little consistency.
Create a routine for cleaning your adult toys.
We all love a good time under the sheets so after you’ve had your good time get in to the habit of a hot soapy wash or use a toy cleaner
it will become a habit before you know it along with a good time and knowing your safe from the bacteria and germs!
If its a vibrator for women or an anal toy the guides set below are all for you babe!
When sharing toys with your lover, clean it during intercourse or you could use a condom for classic dildos and vibrators.
Give it a dry it off before you put it back in your favourite sexy time draw otherwise next time you get it out you'll find some lerking bacteria on it.
Everything you need to know about keeping your sex toys stored away and squeaky clean!
The number one is find out what your toy is made out of! To do this you'll need to know what material it's made out of, porous or non-porous?
So why is this so important?
Well a toy that's made out of a porous material needs more effort and time. Although the holes will be super tiny, they can collect bacteria, mildew and mould in the pores of the toy you love if you don't keep on top it.
The following materials are porous:
• Rubber
• Elastomer
• Latex
• UR3 and Sensafirm
Generally you will find these materials in dildos that feel realistic, such as cyberskin and dual density.
Placing a condom over penetrative toys is a great way to keep these clean and safe.
When cleaning non-electric, porous adult toys, always use a very mild and unscented soap (ideally antibacterial) along with warm water.
Be careful though, if it is a realistic material, only use a little soap and this can damage the Realistic skin effect.
Make sure you rinse off all of the soap and leave in a place that has clean air and is dry before your next use.
When your toys are non-porouus materials such as glass, metal, hard plastic or silicone, it's much easier. Just warm mild non scented or antibacterial soap and water will do the job!
Silicone and glass can also be immersed into boiling water for 3-4 minutes! This will ensure all the nasty bacteria is killed off.
Cleaning your Sex Toys that have power
The last thing you need is submerging your favourite toy that’s not waterproof in a sink full of water, that would be terrible for you your toy and your pocket
Toys that vibrate and aren't sold as waterproof, you'll still be able to use soap and water but just make sure you remember not to submerge it in water or come in contact where the power / battery department is and button to operate!
Use a damp cloth with a little soap and rub your vibrator , dildo , & sex toys thoroughly. Then leave on the side to dry off. This should do the job ready to put your mind at ease of germs & bacteria.
How to identify which Toys you Clean During Sex verses ones you clean afterwards.
Shared toys are the most important to consider. When sharing a dildo , butt plug or vibrator or (anything that you use during penetrative intercourse it's always a good idea to use a condom. This will ensure your lover is completely protected from any nasty bugs. Avoid oil-based lubricants as these can destroy the condoms protection.
When cleaning anal toys always make sure you've washed off all of the soap as this can cause irritations.
Make sure the drying towel / cloth is lint free as anything else will leave fluff on your toy.
Once you've done this you'll be able to get down to business again!
Male sex toys are fine to clean after a session and there are several special antibacterial solutions available for this also If you want to save money use soapy water to ensure your toys are clean
Let’s talk Storage Ideas for Sex Toys without people finding them!
Don’t you love it when you’re done you throw the toy back in the drawer and think all good we’re done let’s hope no one finds it or the cleaner or some one asking to borrow your phone charger next to your bedside where you store them!
Or worse your kids come out with mums ‘’ back ‘’ massager and ask your best friend if she wants a massage! Omg so embarrassing!
Don't be tempted to chuck your toys back in the sex drawer for others to find or where you're bound to forget where you've put them that’s enough to make any one sexually frustrated right?
your toys will pick up all kinds of bacteria lying around in the bottom of your draw! These toys aren't cheap and if you've been bothered enough to Buy Sex Toys then look after them. they deserve it!
Take the time to find a nice storage spot for them. A satin pouch is perfect for storing your adult toys or Another option is a plastic container that’s wipeable or if you are extremely paranoid feel free to use a lockable box!
from time to time you can chuck the satin bag in the washing machine and then you’ll be knowing your toy storage is fresh again and away from unwanted eyes!
Let’s clean those Toys be worry free and get down to business and don’t forget to hide those toys away from the kids or the cleaner or your guests using your phone charger!
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