Mum Edition to a Losing the Spark and getting it back #notsohornymum
Mum Edition to a Losing the Spark and getting it back #notsohornymum
Welcome to my Blog and my website I've poured my heart and soul in to and being able to support Australian men and women in the bedroom is my passion, I love to see you all happy and flourishing in life!
I'm a Mumma from Australia
3 children , A husband who works non stop , endless jobs to do , Bored at home and needed a passion so blogging it is!
you supporting adult toy house is supporting a local family and we are forever grateful and love to give you great service every time.
Generally the alarm goes off I get up get your self ready for the day in a small amount of time and then proceed to wrestle a toddler who's got a Wet Nappy who needs cheerios, eggs on toast and a yoghurt and then the other kids want another 4 cereals and ice-cream for Breakfast , mornings are like wrestling alligators! sensory overload, A replay of the Same theme song, who's watching what channel on the TV arguing about YouTube , all before school drop off. Then you come home to clean the tornado of a house up and try fit every ones busy schedules in all before dinner and bedtime.
If there was ever a recipe for a decreased sexual Desire, I think that would be enough to make you roll over and pretend your asleep! (Don't worry we have been here me included)
In a survey that I asked parents questions regarding their sex life and especially after having a baby majority of women said they experienced a decreased sex drive. Let’s compare that to 30% of men with decreased desire! wow I know right , Among those who we interviewed, the majority (both men and women) lived disappointed with the fact that things took place of there sex life.
Sex is extremely important in a relationship how good do you feel afterwards! But yet rarely talked about.
social media drips with overly sexy images , family's appear perfect in there heavily edited phots taken by a photographer after a hair and make up session and new outfits for the kids but who talks about the real deal!
A healthy sex life post-baby is what we all want, but something that being a mum does just gets in the way , we make more chores and need sleep! I Know your busy but mums lets all rekindle that spark!
Here are some Suggestions secrets to a healthy sex life:
1. Put your partner first Tricky I know! It seems impossible , One moment a day is all it takes , A kiss , Hug ,fav meal or if your really keen a Text saying lets bang tonight? set a date night , get dressed up , buy some lingerie to feel sexy Think of it as a building block to a long lasting fulfilling relationship.
Putting each other first does NOT means a goal for him and none for you it creates healthy relationships long-term.
2. Communicate Share your feelings with each other , I understand we are not the same as we were , tiger stripes , boobs sag we feel deflated , brain fogged and tired all the time , communicate these things, men are not mind readers I can tell you that. some times you can be upset about something and hell not have a clue hell go mow the lawn for the 4th time in a week and seem none the wiser , I if you express those things hell have a listening ear and heart. one your communication is in open arms your relationship and intimacy will flourish.
3. Think about it picture your self as a sexy bad ass mum , don't let anything stop you. pamper your self , get wild and let your inner #hornymum flourish.
4. Stop comparing Put the porn away! focus your energy on each other, Use foreplay and a toy. Your friends sex life isn't yours and neither is Karen's down the road or Jenna's on social media, its purely yours.
5. Try something new , I get it the kids take over. Sporting commitments , school work , I need this now and today they all say!
Create a time at night or sneak in to another room, spice things up a little , get comfortable in your own Beautiful you , your worth it and so is your relationship!
Go own this Mumma!
Always remember to seek professional advice if needed.